Tuesday 4 March 2014

"No Iceman Cometh"....and doth not then taketh away.

A woman named "Dora Maar" was led to believe in love .....with... not only "The King of Paris"....Pablo Picasso but also with the most unconventional man alive...at that time.

Her life was about her work her mind her subjective convictions.
A life filled with her own sense of wit and drama. Her fame was loving a Monster.
After Picasso ...only GOD.
Thats what was written.
She turned to Catholicism when they ended.
Ravaging distortions have ever shaped the popular idea of her character.

Her voice, too, is remembered...deep and trembling.
As a Surrealist ......she held her own once again.
Man Ray......said she was the best.

Men have a way with words.
Not all men believe in the power of females and most of us are keen to listen to our lovers tongues.

Delayed...is often about isolation.
You wait in the cold.
Unaware of the rest of what the world is doing.
Cold sets in.

In the secret of myself to my secret self
living you have me live-
In this room I've lived out madness fear chagrin
the simple waking of a summers day
Exile is vast but it's summer, silence
in the sunlight a place where the soul
invents only joy a child on the road to his home....



His path is uncertain and he listens and smiles together = insieme ....as his eyes stay still and his breath
quietly sounding like whispering ......Davido coils and becomes close to my soul.

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